The City of Dania Beach Airport Advisory Board met on January 26, 2012 and forwarded three recommendations to the City Commission for consideration.







Agenda Request Item



Type of Request: Discussion and Possible Action

(Adopt Resolution, Adopt Ordinance (1st Reading) Adopt Ordinance (2nd Reading)

Award Bid /RFP, Presentation, Public Hearing)


Continued from:      


Requested Action        (Identify appropriate Action or Motion)

The City of Dania Beach Airport Advisory Board met on January 26, 2012 and forwarded three recommendations to the City Commission for consideration.



Description of Action

1)      The board recommended that the County be requested to participate with the City to fund the preparation of a study by graduate level students from a local university to develop a long-term viability program or strategy for residential neighborhoods affected by the airport project. 

2)      The board recommended that the City request that the County ensure that all air conditioning units being used in the sound insulation program have a seasonal energy efficiency rating (SEER) of 20 or higher.

3)      The board recommended that a City Commissioner attend the next available Airport Noise Abatement Committee meeting to discuss the issue of helicopter over flights.   The board further recommended that City send a letter to the County Commission requesting that it reduce helicopter over flights, especially over Melaleuca Gardens.


Purchasing Requests ONLY


Acct #:      


Fund:         (Select from: General, Water, Sewer, Stormwater, Grants, Capital)













Fiscal Impact/Cost Summary



Exhibits Attached


Staff Report